Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finally Finished

I'm finally finished with the HCG diet!!!!! Hooray!!!!! I actually had to stop a little earlier, day 34, due to being on edge a little to much. (My husband couldn't take the mood swings) I don't know if it was the hormone or not, but after taking my last shot last Saturday and then letting the HCG run out of my body I found that I wasn't on edge like I was and I was feeling much better. I don't want to worry anyone because everyone reacts differently to hormone, but towards the end of the diet I just became really on edge and knew I needed to get off of it. In all honesty if I ever have to do this again I would only do a 20 day cycle, do to how I felt at the end of the 40 day cycle.

The great news of being on the diet for 34 days is I lost 23lbs total and feel like a new woman. My new body is a birthday present to myself and I love it. I feel so much lighter now when I run, imagine that. With hormones raging (towards the end), no sugar(except on a rare occasion), and none of my favorite carbs, it was totally worth it. Now that I'm completely off the diet and doing the maintenance part, I can already see that my metabolism is running smoother. I will post before and after pictures hopefully this weekend, I need my husband home to take a picture, so you can see for yourself the success I have had. Thank you everyone who followed me during my adventure and supported me, it was long and at times hard, but with your support and the support of family and friends I pulled through and was successful. Thanks again everyone!!!!!

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