Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finally Finished

I'm finally finished with the HCG diet!!!!! Hooray!!!!! I actually had to stop a little earlier, day 34, due to being on edge a little to much. (My husband couldn't take the mood swings) I don't know if it was the hormone or not, but after taking my last shot last Saturday and then letting the HCG run out of my body I found that I wasn't on edge like I was and I was feeling much better. I don't want to worry anyone because everyone reacts differently to hormone, but towards the end of the diet I just became really on edge and knew I needed to get off of it. In all honesty if I ever have to do this again I would only do a 20 day cycle, do to how I felt at the end of the 40 day cycle.

The great news of being on the diet for 34 days is I lost 23lbs total and feel like a new woman. My new body is a birthday present to myself and I love it. I feel so much lighter now when I run, imagine that. With hormones raging (towards the end), no sugar(except on a rare occasion), and none of my favorite carbs, it was totally worth it. Now that I'm completely off the diet and doing the maintenance part, I can already see that my metabolism is running smoother. I will post before and after pictures hopefully this weekend, I need my husband home to take a picture, so you can see for yourself the success I have had. Thank you everyone who followed me during my adventure and supported me, it was long and at times hard, but with your support and the support of family and friends I pulled through and was successful. Thanks again everyone!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 30 but actually only Day 26

Since I haven't blogged in a while it looks like I've fallen off the wagon, but I can say for sure that I have not and I'm still going strong. Truthfully... with being crazy busy and going out of town, the last two weeks have been difficult ( DO NOT GO ANY WHERE while doing the HCG diet) I'm not where I had planned on being but I'm 9lbs away from my goal weight.

My title of this blog says I should be on day 30, however starting tomorrow I will only be on day 26 do to my monthly cycle. Yes..... I know that sounds weird but when your on your cycle your not suppose to take any injections until your done then you can continue with your your 40 day injection cycle. I was slightly nervous that I would be ravenous hungry and eat everything in sight, but I've stuck to my 500 calorie diet and haven't felt starved.

This whole cycle has been long and hard at times (especially on birthdays and at family events), but I'm so proud of my results. I look forward to the end of this when I will post my before and after pictures and also celebrating my 35Th birthday this month with my new body.

I have to do a shout out to my husband who just finished a 23 day cycle and lost 19lbs. Hubba, hubba..... you look awesome honey!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 20

Hurray! I'm half way through. Hurray not so much for this past weekend. I gave into my cravings this past Saturday and gained a few pounds (3), which is to be expected when you cheat like I did. I'm back to being down 18 pounds but if I hadn't cheated I would be down even more, so to me that's the only downfall. I am happy with my progress and I hope I am as successful in my next 20 days as I was in my first 20.

For those of you who want to get started on the HCG diet...... below are the links that will help you do that:

Ordering HCG online:

For the 23 day program order 2500 i.u. (lupi)
For the 40 day program order 5000 i.u. (lupi)

*On the website they will as for a a prescription, if you don't have one say no.... they will ask you several health questions before you proceed, but don't worry they will still ship you the HCG.

Supplies: (syringes etc)

*You can buy everything you need on this website.

HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide: If you can't get a copy of this guide from a friend you can purchase it at a book store. You need this guide, it will help you with the preparation and be your bible during the process.

Also please read Dr. Simeons 'Pounds and Inches' This manuscript will help you understand how the HCG works and it provides a lot of information.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask, I am happy to help any way I can so you can be as successful as I have been. (Just as long as you don't cheat :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

13-16 Days

Since I haven't blogged in a couple of days your probably wondering if I've quit or had a breakdown and I'm extremely happy to say that I haven't. This week hasn't been easy since our scale whacked out and was coming up with weird fluctuations.... I was a little freaked. Now were back on track with a new scale and moving forward. It's day sixteen and since I've started I've lost 11.5 lbs..... yippee! I'm not losing my weight as quickly but it still coming off faster then it would if I was doing something else. I am happier to say since I've started this and did a cleanse right before I've lost a total of 16.5 lbs.....My clothes are starting to fall off and I'm going down to the next size..... how exciting is that?

Next week I will post all the websites you will need to get started and helpful, tasty recipes that give this diet a lot of flavor.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 11 & 12

I have to say this weekend was a little rough.... Between the two days I only lost 1 lb. However it's still a pound and I'm still pushing forward. I have found the longer I've been doing this that I'm not losing the weight as fast.... it may only be a 1/2 lb each day, however since I'm a girl it said this would happen and I know by the end of this that even with losing only a 1/2 lb a day I will still have lost more then 20lbs.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 9 and 10

It's now been a WHOLE week since I started the 500 calorie phase and believe it or not this week has gone by much faster then I thought It would. In one week I lost 8.5lbs, when has that ever happen? I think never. I don't even think I would lose this much if I was starving myself and so this makes me a very HAPPY person. I did hit a plateau between day 8 and 9 and so I did the 6 apples a day yesterday to reboot the weight loss (It's not as bad as it sounds. I was able to go to a get together last night and be happy with just eating my apple). Dr. Simeons said this would happen, but I really didn't expect it to happen in my first week, but it did pay off because I'm back on track and lost 2.5lbs during the process.

I'm only a quarter the way through my 40 day cycle and I really can't say enough GREAT things about the hcg diet. I don't feel any hunger pains but I have had a few cravings (I didn't give in), the shots really don't hurt, and the results to me are phenomenal. So here's my shout out to all of those people that are having a hard time losing weight: The hcg diet works and I know this because I'm one of those people. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

7th and 8th Day

Since I have started my 500 calorie phase I have lost a total of 7lbs and it hasn't even been a week...... I can't even express how ECSTATIC I am! It's been a couple of years since I've been able to lose this much. My pants are feeling loser, shirts are fitting better and the mushroom top is reducing. (hallelujah) Since I have already lost 7lbs I am really looking forward to the end results of the 40 days.