Sunday, March 8, 2009

4th Day's a Charm

This mornings weigh in was very exciting, I lost 3lbs (woo hoo) after my first day of the 500 calories a day phase. This is good news because it was like pulling teeth just trying to lose 1lb in a week and now I've lost 3lbs in one day. Awesome!!!!! Seeing the scale go down keeps me motivated and wanting to do what I need to do to be successful. All the pre-preparing I know has helped greatly...... I bought everything the diet told me I would need a couple of days before and weighed, marinated, and cooked a whole bunch of chicken, I weighed my lean beef and put it in individual baggies so all I would have to do is grab and cook, and made sure I have all of my favorite veggies and fruit on hand that I'm allowed to have. Even though it's only my 4Th day I know the preparation is paying off and making this really easy. I too am still not feeling hungry, I eat because I have to, and even though I love sugar I really haven't had any cravings and that's with a pan of brownies sitting on my counter..... Kudos to me! I know I still have a long ways to go, but I'm feeling good and focused. Tomorrow I will video my shot so you can see first hand of how not scary it really is.


  1. This is fun to read. I am so happy for you! Keep up the good work! You are strong and can accomplish anything you want to! Love you

  2. This is such a great idea. I love that you are blogging it and also having so much success!
