Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 1 and 2

Yesterday I started the hcg injections.( I inject 150 i.u.'s daily) I know.... injections is a scary word. The thought of having to give myself a shot was terrifying, but I was quickly reduced to feeling like a pansy because once I finally did the injection it didn't hurt at all. All the pre anxiety was for nothing. I will say that I am only using a insulin syringe that is a 31 gauge.( From the many I talked to they said this one was the less painful and they were soooooooo right)

The first 2 days of the diet are pretty easy(I am following Dr. A.T.W Simeons Plan)...... you get to eat whatever you want, especially things high in fat, while you build a little fat storage. (Like I needed to) However the hcg serum makes you not have much of an appetite so I have found it harder to eat those fatty foods. I guess the HCG is doing it's job because your not suppose to feel hungary and I am definately not..... so when I start my strict 500 calorie diet tomorrow it won't be as hard as I thought it was going to be and I'm actually looking forward to it. So I will let you know how I feel after my 3rd of injections and my first day of strict dieting.

1 comment:

  1. So let's talk about these injections. Do you have experience injecting? How did you know how to do it? What are the risks associated? Where do you inject? Does it leave a mark? Does it hurt while you are actually injecting like the vit B shots at MD Diet?
